BackupAssist Backup Software > Knowledge Base > NTBackupFailed

Main.NTBackupFailed History

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October 15, 2004, at 02:58 AM by
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[[ Online SQL Server Backups with BackupAssist]]
[[ Backing Up Workstations Using Mapped Network Drives and BackupAssist]]
October 15, 2004, at 02:54 AM by
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Describe NTBackupFailed here.
!NTBackup failed


@@[=The ntbackup process failed (return code -1073741819). Please examine the attached log file for an explanation.=]@@

However, the backup log appears to indicate that the backup completed successfully.


We believe this to be a bug in Windows Backup. A non-zero return code indicates that the backup process failed, but actually the backup succeeded.

!!Causes and Resolution:

We believe this to be a bug in Windows Backup.

One of our resellers found the source of the problem:

@@[=FYI - turns out this was actually caused by backing up a network directory by specifying UNC format.=]@@

Thanks to Jon Lawrence for this information.

To resolve this issue, try mapping your network drives and backing up your network data through a mapped drive.

For more information about mapped network drives and BackupAssist, please refer to this white paper:

[[ Online SQL Server Backups with BackupAssist]]

Page last modified on October 15, 2004, at 02:58 AM