From BackupAssist Knowledge Base

Main: UnableToAssignDesktopRights

Unable to Assign Desktop Rights

When you try to do a backup, you see this error message:

Error #00104 has occurred. Please check the description of this error for more details.

Description: The backup could not be performed because the Backup Executor could not be started. Please report this to support_at_backupassist


The BackupAssist service is designed to run under the identity of the LocalSystem? account.

It requires permissions to assign desktop rights to launch the backup process.

If you manually change the account for the service, it will fail with the error message above.


Go into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Find the BackupAssist service, and edit its properties. Under the Log On section, ensure that you select the Local System account, and check the option to "Allow service to interact with desktop"

This will give the BackupAssist service the necessary rights to perform the backups.

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Page last modified on November 08, 2005, at 07:12 PM