Setting up a Backup User for BackupAssist 365
This is our current recommended procedure to back up Mailboxes (Exchange), SharePoint Documents and OneDrive for Business in Microsoft 365 (Office 365) using a single login.
It is recommended that you create a special “backup user” login in Microsoft 365 and use it in BackupAssist 365.
This is preferred because:
- Better security – the backup user can be assigned a special complex password that is only used in BackupAssist 365 and is never given to users.
- No licence is required for the backup user – therefore it won’t cost anything.
A full discussion on the advantages of this is available at our blog article. This document gives you the “HOW TO” steps.
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How to set up the backup user account
Follow these instructions:
- Log into Office 365 as the administrator for your tenant. Create a new user in Office 365, as shown in the screenshot below. You can call the user anything you want, but we recommend something that will be easy to remember.
- Create a password at the time of setting up this user.
- Make sure both checkboxes at the bottom are unchecked. If you require the user to change the password, BA365 will be unable to login.
- Create the user without a license. This is so you don’t have to pay for an unnecessary license.
- Set the roles to include permissions depending on what you want to back up.
- Confirm the settings as shown.
To back up | Roles required |
Exchange mailboxes (user + shared) | Exchange Administrator |
SharePoint | SharePoint Administrator + Application Administrator |
OneDrive for Business |
Sometimes changing permissions on the backup user can usually take 10-15 minutes to propagate. So if you receive permissions problems in BackupAssist 365, we recommend waiting a few minutes and trying again.
Propagating permissions changes to SharePoint seems to be slowest of all – we once saw it take some 20 hours, although this is not typical.
Congratulations – you can now use this logon identity in BackupAssist 365.
Note: do you need to back up Public Folders?
Only a licensed user can access Public Folders.
Therefore there are two options:
- Assign an Exchange license to the backup user – but this may incur extra costs if you have to purchase an extra license
- Use a regular user login for Public Folders.
If you choose Option #2, we recommend that you set up an additional task to only back up the Public Folders in that task.
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