BackupAssist v7.4.6
now available
Important update if you're backing up with iSCSI and still using v7
A small number of v7 customers reported that some historical iSCSI backups were being lost and corrupted.
This problem has been fixed in v8, but as v8 doesn't support Windows Server 2003 it means some of our customers are still using v7.
That's why we're releasing v7.4.6 as a patch for these users. It will fix this iSCSI issue, plus add a couple of minor improvements to help ensure your systems and data remain properly protected when using v7.
If you're using Windows Server 2008 or later, we strongly recommend you upgrade to v8 for the most advanced protection. However, if your OS won't allow this, it's important that you download the v7.4.6 patch.
We also recommend you read this article regarding the (now fixed) iSCSI issue and adhere to our best practice backups guide.
See v7.4.6 full release notes.
Your business's mission critical data is arguably its most important asset.
So have you really thought through how best to protect it?
Earlier this month we dived into the core questions every business should be asking itself to ensure its mission critical data is as secure as possible. Ideally, these are questions you should be asking before you even start planning out a backup strategy - but if you haven't already, better late than never!
A must read for all businesses. Period. Read it here.
Using Active Directory? This month we took an indepth look at how to protect and restore Active Directory using a BackupAssist System Protection backup and a Windows System State restore.
If you've been wondering what's the best way to perform effective Active Directory backups and restores using BackupAssist, then this is the definitive answer you've been looking for.
Start learning now!
Nobody likes it when a backup fails. But regardless of how good your solution or how careful your strategy, these things happen - and if you don't notice until it's time to restore, you're in for a serious headache.
On the blog this month, we looked at 6 of the most common reasons that server backups fail. They're simple issues that are simple to avoid, and we show you how.
And just for good measure, we threw in some analogous funny internet junk to lighten the mood on a serious subject.
Microsoft announced this month that in 18 months' time, only the newest version of Internet Explorer for each OS will be supported. Yep, that's right - the days of using IE 8 are finally numbered. The changes will come into full effect in early 2016 and are likely to cause headaches for developers and tech-support teams globally. Read about it here.
Google has sold off one of its mysterious barges this month. Four of these barges turned up off both the East and West coasts of the US between 2010 and 2012, with Google offering little explanation for their purpose. Now that the first of the four has been sold off to an "international barging company", it seems the mystery may go forever unsolved. Here's the scoop.
The age of humanoid robots is nearly upon us, according to a new book and photo series called Human Version. French photographer Yves Gellie has toured the world's robotics laboratories, where (we can only imagine) mad scientists are frantically working to make Asimov's dreams a concrete reality. The resulting photos are fascinating - definitely worth checking out.
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Thanks in advance for your support, and we're looking forward to seeing you in the community!
If you prefer a more personal touch, you can also connect with Luke.
He's our "Green Guy" on SpiceWorks and acts as the voice of BackupAssist in the SpiceWorks community.
He's always happy to help out, so feel free to drop him a line at any time about anything BA related.