Software End of life (EOL)

End of Life announcements will be added to this page generally at least two (2) months prior to the termination of support for a product. You can read our End of life policy below.

Note: Partners may think that new software versions will always be installable on unsupported OS, even though we aren’t supporting them. This is not the case, and we may prevent installation for newer builds on unsupported OS at any time after we stop support for the OS.

Upcoming EOL announcements


Unsupported Windows operating systems

With Microsoft ending support for older operating systems, BackupAssist no longer provides technical support for our software running on these systems, from the dates specified:

The list of systems for which we can no longer offer technical support are:

  • Microsoft Windows 7 (since May 2020)
  • Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 (since May 2020)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 family (since May 2020)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 family (since May 2020)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 family (since November 2023)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 family (since November 2023)

Version 10 End of Life

19 January 2023

The End of Life (EOL) for BackupAssist v10 occurs on 1st February 2023. While you can continue using BackupAssist v10 after this date,

  • no further updates, fixes or technical support will be provided.
  • any requests for v10 license deactivations will be declined.

Version 10 renewal path

  • If you have valid BackupCare, then you can download the latest version of BackupAssist and start using it straight away.
  • If your BackupCare has expired, then you need to renew your BackupCare.
  • If you not sure of the status of your BackupCare, you can check if your BackupCare is valid.

If you have any questions about the v10 EOL, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

Version 9 End of Life

19 January 2023

The End of Life (EOL) for BackupAssist v9 occurs on 1st February 2023. While you can continue using BackupAssist v9 after this date,

  • no further updates, fixes or technical support will be provided.
  • any requests for v9 license deactivations will be declined.

Version 9 renewal path

  • If you have valid BackupCare, then you can download the latest version of BackupAssist and start using it straight away.
  • If your BackupCare has expired, then you need to renew your BackupCare.
  • If you not sure of the status of your BackupCare, you can check if your BackupCare is valid.

If you have any questions about the v9 EOL, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

Version 8 End of Life

1 June 2017

The End of Life (EOL) for BackupAssist v8 occurs on 22nd December 2017. While you can continue using BackupAssist v8 after this date,

  • no further updates, fixes or technical support will be provided.
  • any requests for v8 license deactivations will be declined.

Version 8 renewal path

  • If you have valid BackupCare, then you can download the latest version of BackupAssist and start using it straight away.
  • If your BackupCare has expired, then you need to renew your BackupCare.
  • If you not sure of the status of your BackupCare, you can check if your BackupCare is valid.

If you have any questions about the v8 EOL, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

Mailbox Protection End Of Life

08 September 2016

The End of Life (EOL) for the BackupAssist Mailbox Protection (using Exbackup and Exmerge) will occur from 28th February, 2017. The .PST file format is now outdated, insecure, easily corrupted and doesn’t support the latest versions of Microsoft Exchange.

As a replacement, in July 2013 we added the Exchange Granular Restore (EGR) Console into BackupAssist v7.2.0. The Exchange Granular Add-on is now the recommended restore solution for your Exchange server and data.

A current Mailbox Protection Add-on license key allows automatic access to the Exchange Granular Add-on. More information about the EGR console (including configuration and implementation steps) is located in our Exchange Protection guide.

If you have any further questions about the End of Life of the Mailbox Protection engine (or any other End of Life functionality), please contact our support team by e-mailing our support team.

If you wish to continue to use the Mailbox Protection engine after February 28th 2017; you can continue to do so using any version 8 or 9 of BackupAssist. However, there will be no further sales or technical support offered for this engine after this date.

BackupAssist v7 End of Life

31 March 2016

The End of Life (EOL) for BackupAssist v7 occurs on 30th September 2016. While you can continue using BackupAssist v7 after this date,

  • no further updates, fixes or technical support will be provided.
  • any requests for v7 license deactivations will be declined.
  • download links for v7 will be removed from our website.

Version 7 renewal path

  • If you have valid BackupCare, then you can download the latest version of BackupAssist and start using it straight away.
  • If your BackupCare has expired, then you need to renew your BackupCare.
  • If you not sure of the status of your BackupCare, you can check if your BackupCare is valid.

If you have any questions about the v8 EOL, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

BackupAssist v 6 End of Life

30 September 2014

The End of Life (EOL) for BackupAssist v6 occurs on 31st March 2015. While you can continue using BackupAssist v6 after this date, no further updates, fixes or technical support will be provided. Any requests for v6 license deactivations will be declined.

The latest version of BackupAssist includes all the functionality of v6, plus a great deal of improvements and technological advancements. By upgrading to the latest version of BackupAssist, you’re ensuring your vital systems and data have the best possible protection.

Download a fully-functional free 30 day trial of the latest BackupAssist version today.

Version 6 upgrade path

While in the past, we have corresponded version EOLs with closure of that version’s upgrade path, with v6 and all later versions we will no longer be taking this step. This means that if you wish to upgrade to the latest version of BackupAssist from v6, all you will need to do is renew your BackupCare.

If you have any questions about the v6 EOL, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team by emailing our support team.

BackupAssist v8 and Windows XP & Vista, Exchange & Outlook 2003, Server 2003, Server 2008 32bit, NTBackup

15 May 2014

With the launch of the BackupAssist v8 beta and the impending live release, we wanted to let you know as soon as possible that v8 will not support some older Microsoft operating systems. As Microsoft is ceasing support for these operating systems, it becomes difficult for BackupAssist to maintain and add new features to old operating systems and maintain backwards compatibility.

With the launch of BackupAssist v8, these operating systems will no longer be supported;

Operating Systems

  • Windows XP, any version
  • Windows Vista, any version
  • Windows Server 2003, any version
  • Windows Server 2008, 32bit
  • NTbackup and RSM (Removable Storage Manager)

Exchange Mailbox Backups

  • Exchange 2003
  • Outlook 2003

If you are running an operating system that BackupAssist v8 does not support, then you can still download and use BackupAssist v7.

BackupAssist Open Files Add–on End of Life

28 June 2013

BackupAssist will cease selling the Open Files Add-on from 31st December 2013.

The End of Life for BackupAssist’s Open Files Add-on will occur on June 30th 2014. After this date you can continue using the Open Files Add-on with full functionality, however no further technical support will be provided.

If you have any questions about the End of Life for BackupAssist Open Files Add-on, please contact us via our support team.

BackupAssist v5 End of Life

18 April 2013

Version 5 End of Life

The End of Life for BackupAssist v5 occurs on 30 September 2013. While you can continue using BackupAssist v5 after this date, no further technical support will be provided.

The latest version of BackupAssist includes all the functionality of version 5. A fully functional 30 day trial of latest version is available for download here.

The discontinuation of the upgrade path for v5 licenses also includes license deactivation requests. Any requests for v5 license deactivations will be declined, and customers will need to purchase a new BackupAssist license.

Version 5 upgrade path closure

On the 30th September 2013, we will be discontinuing the upgrade path for version 5. After this date, version 5 users wanting to upgrade to the latest version will need to purchase a new BackupAssist license or corresponding Add-ons at the published price.

If you have any questions about the End of Life for BackupAssist v5 please contact our support team.

BackupAssist and Windows 2000 Platform End of Life

6th February 2012

Microsoft officially ceased support for its various Windows 2000 platforms back in July 2010. (See here). It is our intention to cease all technical support for BackupAssist on all Windows 2000 platforms from June 30, 2012.

BackupAssist solutions have supported Windows 2000 platforms since our very first release in 2002. However, all good things eventually come to an end. We can no longer justify leaving out new software features in order to maintain backwards compatibility with the old Windows 2000 platforms. Hence we are implementing a two phased End of Life approach to ceasing support of this old operating system platform.

Phase One: BackupAssist v6.4 will not support Windows 2000 platforms

We are planning to introduce new features into the upcoming BackupAssist v6.4 release, which will not be backwards compatible with Windows 2000 platforms. Thus the BackupAssist v6.3.x series of releases will become the last versions to work on Windows 2000 platforms.

Current Windows 2000 platform users wanting access to the advanced features in BackupAssist 6.4, and subsequent versions of BackupAssist, should upgrade their operating systems. Naturally, we'll be here to help you with any issues migrating BackupAssist to a new server platform.

We will still respond to your technical support requests if you are running earlier BackupAssist versions which support the Windows 2000 platforms. However, we may be limited in our ability to resolve any new software issues on Windows 2000 platforms.

Phase Two: End of Life for BackupAssist on Windows 2000 platforms

From June 30, 2012 we will cease providing technical support for any version of BackupAssist running on any Windows 2000 platforms.

If you have any questions about the End of Life for BackupAssist on Windows 2000 platforms, please contact our support team.

To continue using BackupAssist on Windows 2000 please download BackupAssist v6.3.1. Please note support is not inluded for this version!


  • In the above, "Windows 2000 platforms" covers: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, Windows 2000 Professional Edition, and Windows 2000 Server, plus any other Microsoft Windows 2000 based platforms we may have missed.
  • End of life (EOL) does not mean that versions prior to BackupAssist v6.4 will no longer function on Windows 2000 platforms. You may continue to run your earlier application. EOL indicates that Cortex IT Labs has chosen to focus on supporting widely used platforms and instead suggest an upgrade path.

BackupAssist v 4 End of Life

23rd June 2010

The End of Life for BackupAssist v4 occurred on February 28th 2011. While you can continue using BackupAssist v4, no further technical support will be provided.

The latest version of BackupAssist includes all the functionality of version 4. A fully functional 30 day trial of latest version is available for download here.

The discontinuation of the upgrade path for v4 licenses also includes license deactivation requests. Any requests for v4 license deactivations will be declined, and customers will need to purchase a new BackupAssist license.

Version 4 upgrade path closure

We have closed the upgrade path for version 4. Version 4 users wanting to upgrade to the latest version will need to purchase a new BackupAssist license at the standard price.

If you have any questions about the End of Life for BackupAssist v4 please contact our support team.

Upgrade path for BackupAssist v3 discontinued and handling fee for version 3 server name change/transfer

3rd August 2009

As few customers are still using BackupAssist Version 3, we have retired the last remaining Version 3 support functions from our internal support systems. These functions will now be provided manually in the event of any requests by remaining Version 3 customers. The following conditions apply to Version 3 support requests as of September 18th, 2009.

Upgrade path for Version 3 discontinued.

As part of the End of Life process that started in May 2008, the upgrade path for Version 3 was discontinued on September 18th, 2009.

For existing Version 3 users who wish to use the latest version of BackupAssist, you will need purchase it at the full standard price.

New fee for Version 3 server name change or transfer.

Any Version 3 license key transfer or server name change request will be processed manually as of September 18th, 2009. Transfers will attract a processing fee of USD75/ Euro59/ GBP45/ AUD99 per base license. Please provide valid Version 3 registration details, including the Organization Name, Server Name and License key number. Email your request to our sales team and you will be provided with an invoice and payment instructions. (Note: No reseller or educational discount applies.)

To avoid this fee, you may wish to give the new server exactly the same name as your old server, which means the license can be reused as is. Alternatively, you can purchase the latest version of BackupAssist. BackupAssist Version 6 is not dependent on server name, allowing you to transfer your license key by simply de-activating and re-activating the license key on your new server.

End of life for BackupAssist v3

8th May 2008

The end of life of BackupAssist version 3.x occurred on 30th June 2008.

While you are free to continue using BackupAssist version 3, no further technical support will be provided for this version of BackupAssist. Support for version 3 originally ended on 29th February 2008, but we extended support until 30th of June 2008 to give users ample time to upgrade.

BackupAssist v3 has been superseded by a new and improved version of BackupAssist, which includes all the functionality of version 3, as well as numerous improvements, additional features and bug fixes. A free 30 day, fully functional trial of latest version is available for download on our website here for your evaluation.

Users are encouraged to upgrade to latest version of BackupAssist. Upgrades can be purchased on our website here.

Please direct any queries to our support team.

End of life policy

Cortex I.T. Labs is committed to providing high quality, cost effective solutions to our customers. To ensure that our development resources continue to deliver the most innovative and cost-effective products to our customers, we may periodically elect to discontinue specific products or product packages. The reasons include:

  • Technical advances in computing and networking may mean that maintaining an old application in an evolving network may become cost prohibitive.
  • It may not be an effective use of development and technical support resources to commit time to older products with very low customer utilization.
  • Newer products may supersede older ones, including bug fixes and enhanced functionality.

Note: End of life (EOL) does not mean that the application will no longer function — you may continue to run the application. EOL indicates that Cortex I.T. Labs may choose not to devote resources to resolving support issues and instead suggest an upgrade path.