Configuring external hard drive destination options


When using an external hard drive(s) as your primary backup destination you can also configure the job to copy the backup files to a secondary disk-based location (local hard drive, network drive, removable hard drive, etc).

There are a number of destination setting which can be configured for External hard drives. To access these destination settings:

  1. Click Jobs in the navigation bar
  2. Select the job to be edited and click Edit at the bottom of the window.
  3. Click Destination on the left menu.

Hard drive pool options
Specify how your external hard drives are connected (locally or remotely), which folder the backups should be stored in (and any variables you wish to use), as well as other settings such as hard drive eject and NTFS compression and encryption.

Number of hard drives in your backup pool
Specify how many drives of each type (daily, weekly, monthly, etc) you have available. These settings affect your media rotation and scheduling, and determine which backups (daily, weekly, monthly, etc) are stored on which drives.

Replication mode options *
Choose how to replicate data on your portable backup device (REV, external hdd, rdx drive). If you choose to keep a backup history you can also determine how to manage disk space on your backup drives as well as define how many backup sets should be kept on each drive. These settings are used to ensure that there is enough room on your backup device to store new backup sets. For example, if you have limited storage capacity on a drive, you would need to continuously clear your device manually of backup sets to accommodate new ones. It is much easier to let BackupAssist manage disk space and there are a number of different options available.

Backup storage options **
Determine how to manage disk space on your external drives and how many backups should be kept on each drive. These settings are used to ensure that there is enough room on your backup device to store new backup files. For example, if you have limited storage capacity on a drive, you would need to continuously clear your device manually of backup files to accommodate new ones. It is much easier to let BackupAssist manage disk space and there are a number of different options available.

TrueCrypt volume options ***
Set the TrueCrypt password and size of the encrypted volume used for backups.

Backup file naming
Specify how backup files should be named when written to your external drives and any variables you wish to include in the filename (job name, date, computer name, etc).

Media checking
Specify how BackupAssist should handle unrecognized or unprepared external disk media or if the wrong media is inserted (eg. Tuesday's drive is connected on a Wednesday). These settings determine what action BackupAssist should take (ie. backup and warn the user of incorrect media or not backup at all).

Keep local copies of your backups
Use these settings to keep a second copy of your backup files on a different drive for redundancy and quick restore of data. You can also determine how this separate space is managed and how many backup files should be stored here.

* Option only appears for File Replication jobs.
** Does not apply to Windows Imaging jobs.
*** Option only applies to File Replication and NTBackup jobs.