BackupAssist Backup Software > Knowledge Base > BackupAssistServicesFailToStart

BackupAssist services fail to start

When a scheduled backup runs or you attempt to kick off a test/specific backup, the BackupAssist service fails to start and consequently your backup fails.


  • The Windows Global Temp Variable - if the Global TEMP variable in Windows is set to a nonexistent drive it can cause the BackupAssist service to fail to start.

  • Windows 2003 SP1? - On certain Windows 2003 servers, after SP1? is applied, the BackupAssist service fails to start.


  • Set the Windows Global TEMP variable to a drive that exists - ie C:\WINDOWS\TEMP. To do this Right-click My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables

    Thanks goes to Olivier Revenu for this investigation and fix.

  • Reinstall the BackupAssist and BackupAssist monitor services. To do this, conduct the following in a Windows command-line prompt window, from where BackupAssist is installed - eg. C:\Program Files\BackupAssist

    1. uninstallService.exe
    2. BAService?.exe -setup
    3. BAMonSvc?.exe -setup
    4. net start wBackupAssist
    5. net start wBAMon

    Figure 1: Reinstalling the BackupAssist Services

    This should re-initiate and register the BackupAssist and BackupAssist Monitor services.

Page last modified on October 21, 2005, at 02:40 AM