You are here: Using BackupAssist > Remote management overview

Remote tab

BackupAssist's Remote tab is used to configure BackupAssist for MultiSite Manager and Centralized Monitoring. The Remote tab can also used to launch the Centralization Monitoring console.

Remote tab

MultiSite Manager

BackupAssist MultiSite Manager is a web application that allows you to remotely administer BackupAssist installations over the internet. MultiSite Manager is installed onto the computer that will manage your BackupAssist computers, and you can interface with it using a web browser.

To learn more, see MultiSite Manager overview

Centralized Monitoring

Centralized Monitoring is a secure website that BackupAssist resellers can use to view backup reports online using a web browser. Centralized Monitoring can also send resellers consolidated backup reports for multiple backup jobs.

To learn more, see Centralized Monitoring Setup