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MultiSite Manager User Guide

This guide explains how to use MultiSite Manager to remotely administer your BackupAssist Installations across the internet. MultiSite Manager is installed onto a computer and interfaced with using a web application.

Opening MultiSite Manager

Once you have set up your MultiSite Manager you can open the web application using either the shortcut on the computer that as MultiSite Manager installed or by entering the MultiSite Manager's FQDN and port into a web browser.

All Sites tabs

The All Sites tab indicates that you are managing MultiSite Manager at the top level. When the All Sites tab is displayed, the two tabs below it will be the Reports tab and Licenses tab.

All Sites

The All Sites tab displays the BackupAssist sites that have been registered to the MultiSite Manager. A site is a set of grouped computers located in the same local area network. Computers from different networks cannot be grouped into the same site.


The Reports tab displays information about all backup jobs on all computers managed by MultiSite Manager. This information is divided into three screens: Alerts, Jobs (24hrs) and Last Status Of All Jobs. The Reports tab is also used to configure a Global Email Report.


The Licenses tab displays the status of all BackupAssist licenses in all sites. Use the drop down arrow by each column’s heading to select the columns that are displayed and to sort their contents.

Manage Site tabs

When you select a site in the All Sites tab, the tab will change to Manage Site and the next 2 tabs will change to Site Alerts and Site Licenses. The Manage Site tab displays two levels of information: All computers and a Single computer.

All computers

This tab is used to manage all the computers within a specific site, and includes options for adding computers, performing remote installs and initiating remote BackupAssist sessions.

Single computer

When you open a computer from the Manage Site tab, you can view that computer’s jobs, reports and system information using the Manage, Reports and System Info options.

Site Alerts

The Site Alerts tab is used to manage alerts within a site, at the Manage Site level

Site Licenses

The Site Licenses tab displays the status of all BackupAssist licenses in the site. You can use this tab to buy, renew, activate and deactivate any BackupAssist license or Add-on license.

To view the licenses for all sites, select the License tab while the All Sites tab is selected.

Remote control of BackupAssist

MultiSite Manager can be used to open a remote BackupAssist session on another computer.

MultiSite Manager Welcome menu

MultiSite Manager’s Welcome menu appears at the top right of the MultiSite Manager web application.