File Selection Window: selecting files and folders for backup

The Files and Folders Window is where you can choose what files and folders to backup, as well as VSS applications and the System State. File selections are separated into three separate tabs: local files, local system files and remote files. You can also set file exclusions here to specify what file types should not be backed up.

To access the Files and Folders Window:

  1. Click Jobs in the navigation bar
  2. Right-click the job you want to modify and select Edit.
  3. Click Files and folders on the left menu.

Local files and VSS applications
Select files and VSS applications (Microsoft Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, etc) for backup that are located on local drives on the machine where BackupAssist is installed.

Local system selections
Backup the System State (registry, active directory, etc) of the local machine where BackupAssist is installed. You can also enable Automated System Recovery (ASR) backups* here for disaster recovery purposes.

Remote files **
Select files for backup that are located on remote machines, either via mapped network drives or UNC network paths.

Exclude files types that you do not want backed up to your backup device (eg. .wav, .wma, etc).

Estimating size of selections
You can estimate the size of your selections to ensure that your backup media is able to accommodate the volume of data selected for backup.

* ASR is only available if you are running BackupAssist on Windows XP or Server 2003.
** This option does not apply to Windows Imaging jobs.