About Exchange Granular Restore

How does Exchange Granular Restore work?

It's quite simple really: rather than use two backups for Exchange - one for the server and one for individual mailboxes - we'll just use one. It turns out that using some fancy new tech, we can access the individual Exchange items using the full server backup. Here's how:

Create a job using one of the regular backup engines like System Protection, File Archiving or File Protection which performs a daily VSS backup of your Exchange server
BackupAssist can use the daily backup to either restore the entire Exchange server or it can dig into the backup to restore individual items like mail, contacts or appointments
Using Exchange Granular Restore you can search for the items you want to restore and preview them in the software
When you've found what you need, you can restore the item as a PST or Exchange mailbox.

When will Exchange Granular Restore be released?

Exchange Granular Restore will be released as a beta on 20 June 2013 for approximately two months. While in beta Exchange Granular Restore will be free to all users; however, as a beta product we don't recommend using it on production systems.

We always love your feedback about issues, bugs or suggestions but we'll be especially grateful for information you provide while Exchange Granular Restore is in beta.

The information from the beta will give us enough data to stabilize Exchange Granular Restore and all going well, we'll issue the final release shortly after the month has passed!

To download and use EGR in BackupAssist v7.1, you will need valid Upgrade Protection.

You can check and renew your Upgrade Protection over at our Customer Page.

Exchange Granular Restore vs Exchange Mailbox Protection

Using Exchange Granular Restore rather than the current add-on, Exchange Mailbox Protection, means:

  • Less data duplication
  • More storage options
  • Simpler backups

What else does Exchange Granular Restore have over the current add-on? Check out this infographic to see a side by side comparison.