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February 02, 2005, at 07:20 PM by
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!Ejecting REV disks after each backup

It's possible to eject REV disks from the drive after each backup. The REV looks like a CD drive when ejecting the disk, so it's possible to script a program to eject the disk after each backup, using the post-backup script feature in BackupAssist.

We recommend a product called WinEject - - which allows you to eject disks using the command line. This product costs US $7.00 to register.

!!Step 1: Download and install WinEject

Download WinEject and install it on your computer.

!!Step 2: Setup your post-backup script

In BackupAssist, go into the Advanced tab for your backup job, and click the link to Modify scripts to run before and after the backup.

Then in the post-backup script (the bottom textbox), type in the following:

[[<<]] @@[="C:\Program Files\WinEject\WinEject" -open r=]@@

where @@[=C:\Program Files\WinEject\WinEject=]@@ is the path to WinEject, and @@r@@ is the drive letter of your REV drive.

Page last modified on February 02, 2005, at 07:20 PM