Spotlight: Using a Static Backup Schedule with BackupAssist

Want to perform a Static and Dynamic Backup Schedule?

Do you run a Basic, Intermediate, Professional or Grandfather-Father-Son Backup Schedule?

If you do, then you’re running what’s known as a static backup schedule. Unlike other schedules, where you can keep the number of backups you want, static schedules require you to keep a set number of backups at all times.

Translation? If you’re running one of these backup schedules, you need to have a lot of storage space. Depending on the type of backup schedule you’re running, this might be anywhere between five to twenty-three backups stored at all times.

That may sound like a lot of storage space. Thankfully, when you’re using BackupAssist for your backup schedules, these don’t need to all be full image backups—you can make them incremental or differential to reduce their size. But that means before you choose a backup schedule, make triple-sure you have enough room to store them.

Here’s a rundown of how many backups you need to keep per backup schedule:

• Basic: 5
• Intermediate: 12
• Professional: 18
• Grandfather-Father-Son: 23

Why so many? Simple. Say you’re on a Grandfather-Father-Son backup schedule. That means you’re performing one backup a day, five days a week. That’s five backups you need to store at any given time to restore from.

Add to that five for each week, then twelve for each month, and one yearly backup… and you’ve got a total of 23 backups you need to store of whatever you’re backing up.

Even though a static backup schedule takes a lot of data, it provides an incredibly strong defense against data loss. With it, you have an orderly, chronological record of your servers for point-in-time restores.

Looking to perform a dynamic or static backup schedule? Download the 30-day fully featured trial of BackupAssist and try out a wide range of data saving schedules.

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