Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup is a BackupAssist add-on that allows you to back up data to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, Wasabi, Backblaze, and any S3 Compatible cloud storage - including private cloud implementation platforms such as MinIO. Cloud Backup is a best practice cyber-resilience solution and is a recommended backup type for all servers and workstations.

Creating cloud storage

Before you can run a Cloud Backup job, you need to have a cloud destination set up. The following sections explain how to create cloud storage for Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, and any S3 compatible providers and devices.

Creating a cloud backup job

The following steps explain how to create a backup job that will back up your data to a cloud destination. You can also watch our video tutorials that are linked at the top of this page under the Show : Cloud backup tutorial videos drop down.

Launch BackupAssist and follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Select the Jobs tab
  2. Select Home.
  3. Select Create a New Backup Job.
  4. Select Cloud Backup.
  5. If this is the first time you have created a backup job, you will be asked to provide a Backup User Identity. To learn more, see Backup user identity. To throttle the bandwidth used by Cloud Backup, see Cloud Backup settings

  6. Selections.
  7. This step is used to select the data and applications that you want to back up. Any VSS applications detected will be displayed here as application directory containers.

  8. Destination media.
  9. Use this step to select the cloud destination that you want to back your data up to. This step’s name will change to the cloud service selected.

  10. Schedule.
  11. This step is used to select when and how you would like the backup job to run, and how long you would like the backup to be retained for. A selection of pre-configured schedules, called schemes, can be selected.

  12. Set up destination.
  13. This step configures the cloud backup destination selected in step 5. There are different settings for Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure and WebDAV destinations.

    Warning: We recommended letting BackupAssist manage the space in the cloud backup container. This means not enabling (or turn off ) any space management or life-cycle tasks on your cloud backup containers. Leaving these tasks enabled will lead to parts of the backup’s data being permanently deleted, and result in the backups being incomplete and unusable in a recovery situation.

    Amazon S3 Bucket settings

    Fill in the S3 Bucket settings including the bucket name, and your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

    Azure container settings

    Fill in the Azure container settings including the container name and connection string.

    S3 Compatible (incl. Wasabi and Backblaze) Bucket settings

    Fill in the S3 Compatible Bucket settings including the bucket name, and your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

    WebDAV container settings (NOTE: WebDAV no longer supported)

    Fill in the WebDAV container settings using information from either your cloud provider or private cloud solution.

  14. Notifications
  15. Once a backup job has completed, BackupAssist can send an email to inform selected recipients of the result. This email notification is enabled during the creation of the backup job, but you must also provide your mail server settings so that the notifications can be sent. To learn how to configure your mail server for BackupAssist, see Email server settings.

  16. Name your backup.
  17. Provide a name for your backup job, and click Finish.

  18. Next Steps.
  19. This step explains the seed backup option that is available if you think there is too much data for the first full backup across the internet. Seeding should only be considered after understanding what seeding involves as it requires following detailed process managed by your cloud provider and there will be costs involved. To learn more, see Cloud Seeding

Cloud Backup restores

Perform a restore from a Cloud Backup as you would for any other backup type. Simply select the Files/Apps tab Home menu, select the required restore option and follow the steps. To learn more, see Files / Apps tab

When performing a restore from a Cloud Backup, you will be prompted to enter the password used to encrypt the backup when you select the Restore button.

Bare Metal Recovery with Cloud Backups

Perform a Bare Metal Recovery or VM Instant Boot from a Cloud Backup by selecting the System tab Home menu and selecting Download BMR backup. One the download of the BMR capable backup is complete, a set of VHDX backup files are created and can be used to carry out BMR or VM Instant Boot.Files / Apps tab

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