Manual deactivation of BackupAssist license keys

If the machine running BackupAssist does not have a connection to the internet, deactivating BackupAssist license keys involves a two-step process:

  1. Save an XML activation file to disk and copy this file to a machine with an internet connection.
  2. Upload the deactivation file to the BackupAssist website to deactivate the license key(s).

Until a key has been deactivated by uploading the deactivation file to the BackupAssist website the key cannot be activated on another machine.

  1. Click Home in the navigation bar.
  2. Click View licensing information to the middle-right of the window.
  3. Click Deactivate and check the box of any keys you wish to deactivate. If you are deactivating the base BackupAssist license on the machine add-ons will also cease to function. You must have at least a base license activated in order to run backups.
  4. Un-tick 'This machine is connected to the Internet'.
  5. Click Deactivate again. BackupAssist will then ask you where to save the deactivation file.
  6. Select the path by either entering it manually or clicking the 'Browse' button. Once you've entered the path, click 'OK' to proceed.

  7. Copy the deactivation file from the path entered in Step 6 to a machine that has Internet access.
  8. Visit on the machine with internet access.
  9. Browse for the location of the deactivation file and click Activate/Deactivate BackupAssist.
  10. The license key will now be deactivated and can be activated on another machine.
  11. The license key will now be deactivated and can be activated on another machine.