6 hilarious gifs to help justify backup software in your budget

6 gifs about backup software

Having trouble explaining to your company’s accountants why backup software is a necessary expense?  It happens to the best of us.  Honestly, sometimes we think our accountants even resent letting us have the office lights turned on…

At the end of the day, effective backup software is a core component to keeping your important data secure.  It’s a sacrosanct part of your IT budget, whether accounting likes it or not.

We can’t guarantee that the following gifs will help convince the powers that be, but at least they’ll provide a chuckle while you work out how to phrase your pitch.

And remember, a reminder of what a server crash would mean for your accounts department’s financial records is always a winning tactic…

Backup software is important. Here’s why.

1.  Bad things happen to servers

download (2)

Source:  Cheezburger

2. Disaster recovery – it can’t be ignored

download (3)

Source: Cheezburger

3. No matter how advanced your server is, data loss is always possible


Source: Alpha Coders – Giff Abyss

4. Accidental deletion: a time honored tradition in offices everywhere

download (1)

Source: Cheezburger

5.  Backup software just keeps on evolving


Source: Reactiongifs

6. How your IT department looks with effective backups in place


Source: Alphacoders – Gif Abys

Get a good laugh in?  We know we did.  But don’t forget there’s an important moral to this story – backup software matters!

Without effective backup software your company’s data isn’t secure.  Without secure data your business is at risk of losing everything.  If you don’t believe us then ask Code Spaces

We’re not trying to sell you anything right now.  Do your research and find the backup software that addresses your company’s needs and fits your budget.  Just make sure you have backup software protecting all of your servers, applications and data.  Even more importantly, make sure you’re running the right kind of backups to get that data back.  Don’t forget, restoring a mail server’s database is very different to restoring a mail item.

Whatever you do end up spending on your chosen backup software is always going to be worth it in the long run.

Got another gif that’s good for a laugh? Or another reason why backup software matters?
Tweet us @BackupAssist with #WhyBackupMatters or post it to our Facebook wall.
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