Get your hands on BackupAssist v8.3!

Get BackupAssist v8.3


Have you had a chance to download the newest version of BackupAssist yet? We’re pretty sure the answer to that question is “YES!”, because who wouldn’t want the very latest improvements to backup and disaster recovery?  But on the off chance you haven’t and you want to know why you should, here’s a rundown of all the awesome new features offered in BackupAssist v8.3.

Warning – if you’re faint of heart and easily excited by fantastic new backup features, please consult your doctor before reading on.

BitLocker just got even better

Bitlocker - BackupAssist v8.3

You may have noticed that we’ve been improving our software’s BitLocker encryption capabilities considerably over the last few versions.  Well, this is the finished product. Securely encrypting your critical backups with BackupAssist is now easier than ever before, thanks to a number of awesome improvements built into BackupAssist v8.3.

Encrypt and carry on

As we mentioned in an earlier article, sometimes the BitLocker encryption times can vary considerably based on a number of factors. Previously this meant you just had to wait on the same screen for however long that process took.  We realized this could be frustrating for some of our users, so now in we’ve changed the process so that the device preparation and encryption will run in the background via an independent process. This means that you can continue using BackupAssist while your device is encrypting; whether that be setting up and scheduling other backup jobs, catching up on reports, or even restoring files.

Plus, the new encryption application shows a progress bar, even when it’s minimized, so you’ll always know how things are coming along.

In addition this this, you can now encrypt multiple drives at the same time, further reducing the time required to encrypt your set of removable drives.

To learn all about BackupAssist’s support for BitLocker, read our comprehensive online resource.

Encrypt ALL the things!

When we first released BitLocker encryption it was only available on System Protection backups. Well, guess what.  Not anymore!

Now you can encrypt File Protection and File Archiving as well.! What’s more, you have even more options now, because you can still choose to apply the existing encryption methods available in File Protection and File Archiving.  The world is your oyster.  Your tightly secured oyster.

Even better, we’re also now enabling BitLocker encryption on RDX drives as well for System Protection,, when used for Bare-Metal or full-system recovery purposes.  This means that you can keep your Disaster Recovery images securely encrypted until they’re needed. BitLocker encryption is also available for backing up your files and folders to RDX with File Protection or File Archiving.

Plus a whole lot more!

BackupAssist v8.3 - more new features

As always, we’ve also introduced a ton of minor-improvements, tweaks and fixes to BackupAssist v8.3.

Check out the full technical release notes for BackupAssist v8.3 to discover the full list of what we’ve improved with our newest version.

Any else you’d like to know about BackupAssist v8.3?
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