File Replication Single Instance Store – how it works
Hi all, We’ve had a few questions about how our Single Instance Store works in our File Replication Engine, so I thought I’d describe how
Hi all, We’ve had a few questions about how our Single Instance Store works in our File Replication Engine, so I thought I’d describe how
Hello all – after an hour of fun and experimentation, we figured out how to configure a Drobo device with DroboShare as a Rsync server.
Hi all, Today we released beta3 of our Rsync engine – which allows you to easily run Rsync on Windows. This will most likely be
Hi all, I’ve had a few questions recently about BackupAssist running on Windows Server 2008 Core. After some experimentation, I managed to get it all
Hi all, Today we’re proud to launch our new website, Windows Server Backup Resource Center, ortherwise known as wbadmin.info. This site contains several articles that
There’s much excitement here as we’re about to release our Rsync Engine, which will enable data to be synchronized offsite in a bandwidth efficient manner.
Hello world, In our network, we have multiple servers and some of these are Virtual Machines. In order to back these up, we use a
Hi all, To coincide with Microsoft’s worldwide launch of SBS 2008 and EBS 2008, we’d like to formally announce our support for these two latest
Hi all, I recently had a case where a client of ours was reporting that the backup was taking over 23 hours to complete, and
Hello all, This is an important message for users of the rdx and REV drives on Server 2008 and the Image Backup (aka Windows Server
Hi all, I’ve recently been delivering an educational presentation on the drive imaging features in Windows Server 2008. I’ve been very impressed by its capabilities,
Hello World! Aarthi here! Linus and I have uncovered a very interesting cause for the BA910 issue. Certain Network Attached Storage devices can install their
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